Yoga to cure acidity
Role of Stomach acid
- Kills harmful bacteria and
parasites which enters into your stomach with food.
- Activates the pepsin enzymes to
digest protein.
- Gives signals to the pancreas
to produce digestive juice and enzymes which digest food.
- Helps intestines to absorb
nutrients from digested food.
- Plays an important role in
absorbing Vitamin B12, which is very important for proper brain function,
nervous system and in the blood forming.
Acidity is
the common in all people which is due to unhealthy eating habits. When the
acidity level increases to its extreme level it is called hyper
acidity. Sometimes acid coming up from stomach to esophagus known as
acid reflux. Acid reflux also can be treated naturally by yoga
and pranayama.
Yoga is the best exercise for acidity to cure and reduce it
naturally. Yoga should be done
under expert guidance or consult a doctor before practicing yoga to find the
cause of the disease. Nowadays doctors also suggest yoga for acidity and other
stomach related problems.
Effective yoga exercises for acidity to cure naturally
Kapalbhati Pranayama
Kapalbhati pranayama steps are usually very straightforward.
However, it is important to ensure that you perform it properly or you may end
up hurting yourself. You will also need to exercise some precautions when you
perform it. You can find detailed step by step instructions on the technique
Sit straight with your spine erect and cross your legs in front
of you.
Take in a deep breath and exhale quickly and suddenly, making a
puffing sound while you do it. Focus on exhaling forcefully and not on the
When you exhale, draw your abdominal muscles inward
simultaneously. Your abdomen should rise when you inhale and fold when you
Continue for 10 breaths and then take a break. Perform two more
similar sets.
- Those are heart patient should
do this slowly while exhaling. You can do kapalbhati pranayama in morning
or evening both the time, but keep in mind that you should do this on
empty stomach.
- Pregnant women should not do
- High blood pressure patient should
practice kapalbhati at a slow rate. Means 3 exhalations per 5 seconds and
force of exhalation should be reduced.
- Practice pranayama in the
supervision of an expert yoga teacher after informing about your whole
- Those women’s feel comfortable
practicing pranayama during periods can go ahead otherwise avoid it.
- Lie on your back. Join the legs
together. Relax the whole body (Shavasana position).
- Keep the palm flat on the
ground. Keep breathing normally.
- While exhaling press the palm
on ground and raise both the legs upwards straight then try to touch the
ground just behind.
- Breathe slowly and hold the
posture for several minutes (1-2 minutes).
- Now slowly release the pose to
return to Shavasana.
- Repeat this for 3-5 times.
Note: For maximum benefits Practice Bhujangasana immediately
after Halasana (Plow Pose)
Benefits of Halasana (Plow Pose)
- Improves digestion and
- Effective in Weight Loss.
- Strengthens the abdominal
- Beneficial for diabetic people.
Those people should do this regularly.
- It helps to make spinal cord
strong and flexible.
- Cures the symptoms of
- It helps to reduce stress.
- It normalizes blood-glucose
level and stimulates the internal organs.
- It stimulates the reproductive
- Those suffering from hernia,
slipped disc, sciatica, arthritis of the neck, high blood pressure
or any serious back problem, should not do practice halasana.
- Should practice under expert
supervision. In days of periods women should not practice this asana.
- Pregnant women should not
practice halasana.
Camel Pose, Ushtrasana
Kneel on the yoga mat and place your hands on
the hips.
Your knees should be
in line with the shoulders and the sole of your feet should be facing the
As you inhale, draw in
your tail-bone towards the pubis as if being pulled from the navel.
Simultaneously, arch
your back and slide your palms over your feet till the arms are straight.
Do not strain or flex
your neck but keep it in a neutral position.
Stay in this posture
for a couple of breaths.
Breathe out and slowly
come back to the initial pose. Withdraw your hands and bring them back to your
hips as you straighten up.
of the Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
Improves digestion
Stretches and opens
the front of the body. It also strengthens the back and shoulders
Relieves the body of
lower back ache
Improves flexibility
of the spine and also improves posture
Helps overcome
menstrual discomfort
Precautions for Ushtrasana (camel) yoga pose
- Those having problems related
to neck, knee and back injury should not perform this asana.
- Lower back pain patients should
avoid this asana.
- Person suffering from high or
low blood pressure and migraine should avoid this asana.
- Insomnia (Sleeping disorder)
patient should avoid.
- Practice under expert guidance.
Because this pose may cause back pain or neck injuries.
- Consult a doctor before
practicing yogasana to find the root cause of your problem.
Pavanamuktasana – Wind Removing Pose
Steps of Pawanmuktasana
- Lie flat on your back and keep
the legs straight and relax breath deeply and rhythmically.
- Inhale slowly and lift the legs
and bend in the knee. Bring upwards to the chest till your thigh touches
to stomach
- Hug your knees in place and
lock your fingers.
- Try to touch the knee with your
nose tip. This is not easy in first time. But regular practice you can do
this. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds. You can extend it till 1
minute as per your capability.
- Now exhale slowly and come back
to the original position that is Shavasana (Lie straight)
- This is very beneficial for stomach abs. The results are very impressive.
- Practice 3 to 5 cycles each
Benefits Pavanamuktasana
- Pavanamuktasana cures acidity
Indigestion and Constipation.
- pavanamuktasana is very good
for all abdominal organs.
- Regular
practice pavanamuktasana cures gastrointestinal problems.
- Helpful for those suffering
from gas problems, acidity, arthritis pain, heart problems and waist pain.
- Strengthens back muscle and
cures back pain.
- It gives flat stomach. Everyone
should practice this asana for flat stomach.
- Pavanamuktasana is very
beneficial for reproductive organ and for menstruation disorder.
suffering for high blood pressure, Slip disc, Ulcer should not do this asana.
In pregnancy and menstruation women should not practice this.
Anulom Vilom Pranayama – Breathing Exercise
Sit in a steady asana. Padmasana is
most suited for the practice.Siddhasana and Vajrasana may also be used.
Close the right
nostril with your thumb and draw in air from the left nostril. Do this as
slowly as you can, till your lungs are full.
Now release the thumb
and close the left nostril with your ring finger. Then breathe out slowly
through the right nostril.
Next take the air in
from the right nostril and then release it through the left nostril (after
closing the right nostril with the thumb).
This is one round of Anulom Vilom Pranayama.
Start with 5 rounds
and increase it up to 20 rounds in one sitting.
Also, the duration of
inhalation can start from 2 seconds and go up to 20 seconds or even beyond.
One can have one
sitting in the morning and one in the evening. For advanced practitioners, the
yogic texts recommends four sittings – one in the morning, one at noon, one in
the evening and one at midnight. But for all practical purposes, two sittings
(one in morning and one in evening) are enough.
After one has reached
a certain level of proficiency, one can addKumbhaka or
retention of breath to the practice.
Breathing Exercise – Bhastrika Pranayama
Steps for Bhastrika Pranayama
- Sit comfortably on flat
ground. Those who can’t sit on ground can sit on chair because this
pranayama is related to the breath.
- Take a deep breath
through both nostrils and fill the lungs with air and then exhale with
hissing sound.
- Inhale deeply and exhale
- Do this for 2 min to 5 minutes max and see the result in a few days.
Yoga to cure acidity problem this is best for us, most of all people are suffering from acidity. If we follow this yoga and take Natural Supplements For Acidity then we get fast result.