Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Try these yoga to Reduce fat and strengthen your body

Warm up with Tadasana (Mountain Pose):
Tadasana makes an ideal warm up pose. It improves the circulation of blood, thereby ensuring that your body is ready for the poses in store.
·         Stand with your feet flat, heels slightly spread out and big toes in contact with each other. Keep the spine erect, with hands on either side of your body, palms facing your body.
·         Stretch your hands to the front and join the palms.
·         Inhaling deeply, stretch your spine. Raising your folded hands up above your head, stretch as much as you can.
·         Try lifting your ankle and standing on your toes, with eyes facing the ceiling. If you cannot stand on your toes, you can keep your feet flat on the ground while your eyes face the ceiling.
·         Breathe normally and hold the pose for 20 to 30 seconds.
·         Inhale deeply and while exhaling, slowly relax and bring your feet back to the floor.

Repeat the pose 10 times, increasing the count gradually. Relax for 10 seconds before you attempt the next repetition. The picture given above is a variation for the beginners.
Dandayamana-Dhanurasana- Standing Bow Pulling Pose

1.    Begin in Tadasana, Mountain Pose

2.   Inhale the right arm up keeping it rooted in the shoulder socket but extending through the finger tips.

3.   Bend the left arm so the elbow is close in to the body and the finger tips are away from the body, palm faces the sky.

4.   Engage the muscles of your right leg as you bend the left leg behind you and catch the inside of your foot with your left hand.

5.   Draw both knees together while keeping the tailbone tucked.

6.   Exhale, press your left foot into your hand extending from the left top thigh. As the leg raises begin to hinge at your hips bringing your upper body parallel to the ground.

7.   Allow the heart to melt as the left hip bone and shoulder softens and surrenders.

8.   Reach through the ball mounds of your left foot as your upper body reaches forward.

9.   Find the arch in the spine to be equal through out by extending though the heart and rooting the tailbone down, away from the body.

10.               To release: Exhale, come back through standing and repeat on the other side.

Benefits: Strengthens thighs, buttocks, hips, abdomen, and arms, reduces abdominal fat, Helps manage anorexia. Good for posture and natal care. Helps in healing tennis elbow and frozen shoulder.

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation):

Surya Namaskar essentially, is a confluence of twelve yoga positions, each of which has a major impact on the entire body. The forward and backward bends allow stretches, while deep breathing performed during the act helps in detoxification. Practice Surya Namaskar daily in the morning facing the sun for reaping the maximum benefits.
The picture given above gives you a comprehensive and vivid view of how one needs to perform this energetic yoga pose.
Start off slowly, with five rounds, increasing the counts gradually over time. Make sure that you keep a bottle of water with you. Take a sip after each repetition and relax for 15 seconds between repetitions so that you are not worn out.


1.   Pregnant women should not practice Suryanamaskar.
2.   Those suffering from high blood pressure and hernia should not practice Suryanamaskar.
3.   During menses women should avoid Suryanamaskar.
4.   Those suffering from back pain should take expert guidance. All asana should perform under expert guidance.

Warrior pose I (Virabhadrasana I):

Stand straight with your feet apart.
·         Now shift your left foot to the side such that there is a three to four feet distance between both the legs.
·         Keeping your left foot straight; rotate it to your left side entirely where your right foot rotates slightly.
·         Now spin your torso to your left side making sure your legs are in the same position.
·         Bend the knee of your left leg; carry your torso forward to the left side where you raise both your hands above your head in a Namaste.
This pose increases your stamina like a warrior and strengthens your legs too.


Three-legged Dog Pose:


·         tart with the downward dog pose.
·         Lift your right leg high up in the air supporting yourself on two hands and your left leg.
·         Hold for five breaths, put your leg down and repeat with the other leg too


BaddhaKonasana (Cobbler’s pose):

·         Sit on the floor with your knees bent so that both the soles of your feet are facing each other.
·         Keep your spine elongated ensuring that your posture is straight.
·         Press the soles of your feet together and hold this pose for a minute.

Locust Pose:


·         Lie down with your belly on the ground and place hands by your side with palms facing the ceiling.
·         As you inhale, lift up your legs and your upper torso and support yourself on the abdomen.

Your hips get toned with this posture.


Standing Hand to Toe:


·         tand with your spine straight, feet together and hands on your waist.
·         Lift your right leg straight up with your left leg’s support.
·         Hold for a few breaths and repeat with the other leg.
These asanas will help you to tone down your thighs and buttocks very easily.

Padahastasana (Standing Forward Bend):

The abdomen gets completely compressed while bending forward that leads to burning of fat. Thus, the compression helps in toning down the tummy. This yoga asana to reduce belly fat can be practiced as follows:

·         Stand in Tadasana with your hands on either side of the body while feet rest together, heels touching each other.
·         Keep your spine erect.
·         Inhaling deeply, lift your hand upwards.
·         As you exhale, bend forward in such a way that your body is parallel to the floor.
·         Inhale and then exhaling, bend forward completely, body falling away from the hips.
·         Try to touch the floor, with palms straight on the floor, without bending your knees. Beginners can try touching the toes or just ankles to start with, working your way to the floor.
·         Holding your breath, tuck your tummy in, and hold the position for 60 to 90 seconds.
·         Exhaling, leave your toes, and lift your body to come back to Tadasana.
Repeat the asana 10 times, leaving an interval of 10 seconds between two repetitions.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend):


This is one of the basic poses of Hatha Yoga and stimulates your solar plexus center. Along with acting as a tummy toning pose, the forward bend also offers an admirable level of stretch to the hamstrings, thighs as well as hips. It is also ideal for those who are prone to digestive disorders.

·         Sit on the floor in Sukahasana or Padmasana.
·         Keep your spine erect, and stretch your legs out to your front. Your feet should point to the ceiling.
·         Inhaling deeply, stretch your hands above your head, without bending your elbows. Your gaze should follow your hands. Stretch your spine to the maximum.
·         Exhaling, bend from your thighs forward. Bring your hands down and try to touch your toes. Your head should rest on your knees. Beginners can try touching their ankles or just thighs as a starter.
·         Once you touch your toes, hold them and try pulling them backward till you experience the stretch on your hamstrings.
·         Breathing in, hold your tummy, and try to retain the position for 60 to 90 seconds initially. Slowly, increase the time of holding the position for 5 minutes or if possible, more.
·         Exhaling, bring your body upward, relieving your toes from your fingers to come back to the Sukhasana or Padmasana.

Halasana – Plow Pose

1.   Lie on your back. Join the legs together. Relax the whole body (Shavasana position).
2.   Keep the palm flat on the ground. Keep breathing normally.
3.   While exhaling press the palm on ground and raise both the legs upwards straight then try to touch the ground just behind.
4.   Breathe slowly and hold the posture for several minutes (1-2 minutes).
5.   Now slowly release the pose to return to Shavasana.
6.   Repeat this for 3-5 times.
Note: For maximum benefits Practice Bhujangasana immediately after Halasana (Plow Pose)


Benefits of Halasana (Plow Pose)

1.   Improves digestion and appetite.
2.   Effective in Weight Loss.
3.   Strengthens the abdominal muscles.
4.   Beneficial for diabetic people. Those people should do this regularly.
5.   It helps to make spinal cord strong and flexible.
6.   Cures the symptoms of menopause.
7.   It helps to reduce stress.
8.   It normalizes blood-glucose level and stimulates the internal organs.
9.   It stimulates the reproductive organs.


1.   Those suffering from hernia, slipped disc, sciatica, arthritis of the neck,  high blood pressure or any serious back problem, should not do practice halasana.
2.   Should practice under expert supervision. In days of periods women should not practice this asana.
3.   Pregnant women should not practice halasana.

Ardha Halasana (Half Plough Pose)

1.   In Ardha Halasana (Half Plogh Pose) you can raise your one leg at a time or both legs perpendicular to the ground.
2.   While lying on yoga mat just relax for a few seconds then inhale slowly to raise your both legs upwards as shown in the above image
3.   Your legs should be perpendicular to the ground and should not bend.
4.   Hold your breath and posture for a few seconds.
5.   Now exhale slowly and bring your legs again towards the ground.
6.   Repeat this for 3 – 4 cycles.
7.   You can practice this by completing one cycle by left leg then the right leg.

Benefits of Ardha Halasana (Half Plough pose)

1.   Good for building six pack abs.
2.   Improves digestion and appetite.
3.   Improves the function of blood circulation.
5.   Stimulates abdominal organs.
8.   Improve the function of digestion and removes gases.
9.   Tone the thigh and hip muscles overall abdominal muscles.
10.               Good to prevent hernias.
11.               Useful to cure arthritis and lumbar spondylosis.

Precaution Ardha Halasana (Half Plough Pose)

1.   Those suffering from severe heart problem, severe back pain or high blood pressure should not practice Ardha halasana.
2.   Should practice under expert guidance.
3.   Women should not practice ardha halasana after the second month of pregnancy or should consult a doctor before practice.

Pavanamuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose):

This asana helps in alleviating assorted gastric problems, including indigestion and constipation. Since your knees exert pressure on your tummy, holding the position for more than a minute helps in triggering the burning of fat in the region.
·         Lie down in supine position with arms beside your body and feet stretched out, heels touching each other.
·         Bend your knees.
·         Take in a deep breath and as you exhale, gradually bring the bent knees towards your chest, with thighs applying pressure on the abdomen. Hold the knees properly in place by clasping your hands underneath the thighs.
·         Inhale again and as you exhale, lift your head allowing your chin to touch your knees.
·         Hold the position for 60 to 90 seconds, while breathing deeply.
·         Exhale slowly, and release your knees while allowing your head to rest on the floor. Bring your hands onto either side of your body, palms facing the ground.
·         Relax in Savasana.

Repeat the pose 7 to 10 times, leaving a 15-second interval between repetitions.
Those who are new to yoga can practice the pose with a single leg. Repeat the above outlined procedure with a single leg.

Naukasana (Boat Pose):

This is one of the most sought after yoga postures that guarantee you a flatter belly when practiced regularly. While holding the posture for more than a minute helps in contracting the abdominal muscles, the posture when done in a boat-like movement helps in toning your abs.
·         Lie down on the yoga mat in supine position, legs stretched out, toes facing the ceiling, and palms resting on either side of your body facing the ground.
·         Inhale deeply. As you exhale, lift your body from the ground – head, chest, and legs.
·         Stretch out your arms so that they form a parallel line with your legs.
·         Your fingers should be in the same line as the toes. Gaze towards the toes.
·         As you hold the position, you should feel the abdominal muscles contracting.
·         Breathing normally, hold the posture for 30 to 60 seconds to start with.
·         Inhale and exhaling deeply, slowly relax and come back to supine position.
Repeat this pose for 5 times to begin with, working up to 30 times gradually. Relax for 15 seconds after each repetition.

Precautions for Naukasana (Boat-Pose)

1.   Suffering from low or high blood pressure, hip joint pain, arthritis, severe headache, migraine,  hernia and ulcer patients should not practice naukasana (Boat pose).
2.   Consult a doctor first before practicing any exercise and practice under expert guidance.
3.   Pregnant women should not practice this boat pose.
4.   Avoid practicing during periods but if you are comfortable to practice then go ahead.

Ushtrasana (Camel Pose):

This is normally done to counter the Naukasana. The backward stretch that you experience as you touch your ankles in this pose helps in toning the abdominal muscles. The tension experienced by your belly muscles during Naukasana will now be released, at the same time enjoying a good stretch.
·         Sit in Vajrasana.
·         Slowly, lift your body up from your knees in such a way that you are now sitting with your whole body weight supported by your knees.
·         Your heels should make a perpendicular line with the ground.
·         Inhale and exhaling deeply, arch your back. Bring your hands behind your body and try to hold your ankles, one by one.
·         Tilt your head behind and stretch backwards until you experience a stretch in your belly.
·         Hold the posture for 20 to 30 seconds to begin with, working your way to 60 seconds, breathing normally.
·         Exhale and slowly relax.
·         Come back to Vajrasana.
Repeat this pose for 5 times to begin with, working up to 30 times gradually. Relax for 15 seconds after each repetition.

Benefits for Ushtrasana yoga pose (Camel pose)

1.   Helps to increase chest size and lungs capacity.
2.   Brings flexibility in chest, abdomen and neck.
3.   Stimulates abdomen organs.
4.   Improve the function of the respiratory system. Beneficial for Asthma patient.
5.   Activate whole respiratory organs and nerves.
6.   Cures problems related to Neck, Shoulders and back.
7.   Cures Vata, Pitta  and kapha dosha.
8.   Strengthens the back muscles.
9.   Stimulate thyroid gland.
10.               Releases back pain.
11.               Increases blood circulation to brain.
12.               Helps to improve Posture.
13.               Reduce the fats on the stomach.
14.               Improve digestion.

Precautions for Ushtrasana (camel) yoga pose

1.   Those having problems related to neck, knee and back injury should not perform this asana.
2.   Lower back pain patients should avoid this asana.
3.   Person suffering from high or low blood pressure and migraine should avoid this asana.
4.   Insomnia (Sleeping disorder) patient should avoid.
5.   Practice under expert guidance. Because this pose may cause back pain or neck injuries.
6.   Consult a doctor before practicing yogasana to find the root cause of your problem.

 Uttanpadasana (Raised Foot Pose):

This pose helps in getting rid of the fat from your lower abdominal region as well as hips, and thighs. This pose is one of the most efficient and effective ways to eliminate the flab that gets accumulated around your waist and hips during pregnancy.
·         Lie down on the mat with your back on the floor, legs stretched out and heels touching each other. Keep your hands on either side of your body, palms facing the ground.
·         Inhale deeply and exhaling slowly, tilt your back while bringing your head backwards so that it touches the floor.
·         Do not move your hands from their initial position. Breathe normally.
·         Stretch to the maximum possible level, without hurting your back.
·         Taking a deep inhalation, raise your legs from the floor, making a 45-degree angle with the floor.
·         Hold the pose for a period of 15 to 30 seconds, breathing normally. Slowly workout to hold the posture for more than 60 seconds.
·         Take a deep exhalation and lift your legs so that it makes a 90-degree angle with the floor. Breathing normally, hold the posture for 30 seconds.
·         Inhaling deeply, bring your legs back gradually to initial position – the supine position.
Repeat this pose for 10 times to begin with, working up to 30 times gradually. Relax for 15 seconds after each repetition.

Benefits of Uttanpadasana (The Raised-leg Pose)

1.   Cures stomach disorders like acidity, indigestion and constipation
2.   Strengthens the abdominal organs.
3.   Strengthens the back and hip and thigh muscles.
4.   Helpful for those suffering from gas problems, acidity, arthritis pain, heart problems and waist pain.
5.   Cures back pain.
6.   Helps to reduce tone the stomach muscles.
7.   Helpful for loosing weight.
8.   Good for diabetes patients.
9.   Improve the function of digestive systems.
10.               Remove gases from the intestine.
11.               Good for increasing blood circulation around the body.
12.               Help to reduce weight in the abdomen area, thighs and hips.
13.               Excellent for 6 packs abs.
14.               Improve the function of reproductive organs.

Precautions for Uttanpadasana (The Raised-leg Pose)

1.   Pregnant women should avoid Uttanpadasana for first few months. Should consult a doctor before practicing this asana in the third trimester. Can take the support of wall while practicing.
2.   Those suffering from high blood pressure, slip disc, ulcer, or abdominal surgery should not do this asana.
3.   Should not practice in days of periods. But if you are comfortable doing this then there is no problem. Keep on doing it.
4.   Practice Uttanpadasana (The Raised-leg Pose) should be practice under expert guidance.
5.   Should consult a doctor before practicing any exercises.

Marjariasana (Cow Cat Pose or Cat Pose):

The forceful contraction experienced in the abdominal muscles while holding the posture helps in melting the fat and thus, reducing the belly size. This pose is also beneficial to enhance the flexibility of the spine.
·         Sit in Vajrasana.
·         Breathing normally, arise from the position and allow your body to come parallel to the floor in such a way that your body rests on your knees and palms.
·         While knees should be placed beneath your hips, palms go under your shoulders facing the floor. Keep the head straight. Space out the knees slightly so that your weight is spread out evenly.
·         Taking a deep inhalation, lift your head while pushing your back down so that your body resembles a concave structure.
·         Expand the abdominal region to the maximum possible level so as to suck in as much air as possible.
·         Holding the breath, maintain the posture for about 15 to 30 seconds.
·         Exhale deeply and lower the head, while arching your back upwards. Hold the buttocks and abdomen firm until you experience the contraction. Your head should be between your hands.
·         Breathing deeply, hold the pose for about 15 to 30 seconds, working up to 60 to 90 seconds gradually.
·         Exhale and slowly come back to Vajrasana. Relax for 15 seconds.

Repeat this pose for 10 times to begin with, working up to 30 times gradually. Relax for 15 seconds after each repetition.This is also one of the best yoga asanas to reduce belly fat.

Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):

Give your abdomen a good stretch with this yoga asana. The regular practice of this pose aids in strengthening the back muscles, and hence, is one of the most advised poses to alleviate post-partum back pain.
·         Lie down on the mat in prone position, legs slightly spaced out, and toes touching the floor.
·         Keep the hands on either side of the body, palms facing the floor.
·         Bring your palms beneath your shoulders.
·         Taking a deep inhalation slowly lift your chest and head off the floor, your gaze fixed on the ceiling. Tuck in your pubis towards your navel, whiling holding your buttocks firm.
·         Hold the position for a period of 15 to 30 seconds, while breathing normally.
·         Take a deep breath and try to lift your body from the waist upward, bending backward as much as possible. Nevertheless, make sure that you are not hurting your back in the process.
·         Hold the posture for 30 to 60 seconds, breathing normally.
·         Exhale and slowly bring your body down – chest, neck, and forehead – to return to the prone position. Stretch your arms slowly to the front.

A word of caution: Bend backward only till you experience the stretch on your abdomen, thighs, and backs. Please relax even if you experience a slight pain while stretching. In such cases, you can do just Ardha Bhujangasana.
Repeat this pose for 10 times to begin with, working up to 30 times gradually. Relax for 15 seconds after each repetition.


1.   Pregnant women, and those are suffering from ulcer, heart problem or any surgeries like spine brain or lungs should not do this asana.
2.   Avoid practices asana during periods.
3.   Practice all these yogasana under expert guidance.

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose):

This pose does a wonderful job in toning your tummy. Along with offering a good stretch to your abdomen, back, thighs, arms, as well as chest, this pose also helps in improving your posture.
·         Lie down in prone position on the mat, legs together while your hands rest on either side of your body, palms facing the floor.
·         Taking a deep exhalation bend your knees so that it could touch your buttocks.
·         Lift your head and bend backward.
·         Bring your hands backward and try holding your ankles with your hands.
·         Support your body weight with your abdomen. Taking a deep inhalation, try to lift your knees higher.
·         Hold the posture for 15 to 30 seconds, working up gradually to 60 to 90 seconds. Breathe normally while holding the posture.
·         Exhale and slowly relax, stretching out your body.
Repeat this pose for 10 times to begin with, working up to 30 times gradually. Relax for 15 seconds after each repetition.


1.   The person suffering from high blood pressure, back pain, hernia, headache, migraine or abdomen surgery should not do practice dhanurasana.
2.   Ladies should not practice yoga during pregnancy and in periods.

Deep squats:

This yoga exercise for thighs works wonders!
·         Stand with both your feet about 12 inches apart and bring the arms in front of you with palms facing the ground.
·         Now squat down with a deep inhalation, while you bend down ensure your knees are forming a 90 degrees angle allowing you to dip down in the position.
·         Get back immediately to standing position while exhaling and repeat again.

Relax with Shavasana (Corpse Pose):

You should allow your body to relax after the rigorous workout and the Corpse Pose is the ideal asana.
·         Lie down in supine position.
·         Keep your feet together or stretched out, as per your comfort level.
·         Allow your hands to rest on either side of the body, palms facing the ground.
·         Close your eyes.
·         Inhale and exhale deeply, allowing your body to relax completely.
You should lie down till your breathing becomes normal and your body is completely at peace

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